
The LightBurst Broadband Web Portal Automated Attendant feature allows Voice Mail Service subscribers to configure and manage a multi-level menu system for their mailbox. This feature is available to Voice Mail Service subscribers who are Internet Access-enabled and have an Automated Attendant mailbox. Subscribers may also call a number to access the administration functions and configure their Automated Attendant settings and record greetings over the phone.

The Web Portal Automated Attendant interface is accessed by following these steps:

  1. Login to the Web Portal Service (see the LightBurst Broadband Web Portal Service description for more information).
  2. Select the My Settings tab.
  3. Click Automated Attendant in the Categories section. The Web Portal Automated Attendant interface will be displayed on the right-hand side of the screen (see Figure 5-32 ).

Figure 5-32 Unconfigured Automated Attendant

Web Portal Auto Attendant

The Automated Attendant interface is partitioned into two sections, the display options at the top of the interface, and the Automated Attendant map.

Automated Attendant Display Options

The display options (see Figure 5-33 ) at the top of the Automated Attendant interface are used to change the appearance and behavior of the Automated Attendant map.

Figure 5-33 Automated Attendant Display Options

Web Portal Auto Attendant

The Enable Hierarchical Dragging option, if set to Yes, will cause all child nodes below a parent node to move with the parent node when it is dragged to a new position in the Automated Attendant map.

The Auto-Arrange Layout option has an Arrange button that will reposition all of the nodes in the Automated Attendant map into a logical layout when it is pressed.

Automated Attendant Map

The map portion of the Automated Attendant interface (see Figure 5-34 ) displays a visual representation of the mailbox’s Automated Attendant call flow.

At the top of the call flow there is an icon representing the mailbox number node that is the entry point of the Automated Attendant call flow. This icon will be the only icon in the Automated Attendant map for new mailboxes (see Figure 5-32 ) and will take the form of a mailbox icon with a mailbox number label if an active greeting has not be recorded for this mailbox. If an active greeting has been recorded, then the mailbox icon will be replaced with a greeting icon and the label of the icon will default to the name of the greeting instead of the mailbox number.

The other icons in the Automated Attendant map represent the mailboxes, phone numbers, greetings, and Dial By Name groups that compose the call flow beneath the entry point node.

Figure 5-34 Automated Attendant Map

Web Portal Auto Attendant

Map Layout

Relationships between greetings and phone numbers or Dial By Name groups in the map window are represented by connection lines between the greeting icons and the icons that represent phone numbers and Dial By Name groups. Each icon within the window can be independently positioned. To move an icon in the map window:

  1. Move the mouse cursor onto the icon to be moved.
  2. Press down and hold down the left-hand mouse button.
  3. Drag the icon to a new position by moving the mouse in the desired direction.
  4. When the icon is in the desired position, release the left-hand mouse button.

Any connection lines between icons will be automatically repositioned and redrawn after an icon is moved, with an exception: If a parent icon is moved and the Hierarchical Dragging option is enabled then any child icons below it will retain their positions relative to the moved parent.

The last size and position of all icons in the Automated Attendant map will be maintained for each subscriber between Automated Attendant sessions.

Map Item Definitions

 Mailbox Icon – This icon represents a Voice Mail Service subscriber’s mailbox. The actions performed when this mailbox is accessed will depend on the configuration of the mailbox.

 Greeting Icon – This icon represents a greeting that will be played if a caller accesses this option.

 Dial By Name Icon – This icon represents a Dial By Name group, which allows the caller to dial the name of a contact in the group to access their phone. A Dial By Name group may be used as the entry point of the call flow, effectively making the entire Automated Attendant configuration for this mailbox a Dial By Name system, or as a group of contacts that is accessed when a caller dials a specific one to four digit number from a greeting that is linked to this icon in the call flow.

 Phone Number Icon – This icon represents a phone number that will be called when a caller dials a specific one to four digit number from the greeting linked to this icon in the call flow.

 Connection Line – A connection line represents a relationship between two icons in the call flow. A label containing the number dialed to create the connection is displayed on each connection line.

Popup Menu Commands

The commands for creating and modifying the Automated Attendant call flow are accessed from popup menus. A popup menu is displayed when the mouse pointer is hovered over one of the icons in the map. The Automated Attendant map icons and their associated commands are listed in the following sections.

Mailbox Popup Menu

Hovering the mouse pointer over a mailbox icon will display the popup menu in Figure 5-35 if the mailbox is the main node at the top of the Automated Attendant call flow. However, if the mailbox icon represents another Voice Mail Service subscriber’s mailbox, then the popup menu will appear as seen in Figure 5-36.

Descriptions of each command in the maibox popup menus are given below:

Convert To GreetingSelect this command to convert the mailbox node into a greeting node. The Convert To Greeting window seen in Figure 5-37 will be displayed.Figure 5-37 Convert To Greeting Window Enter a short description of this greeting into the field at the top of the window. This description will be used to identify this greeting in the Automated Attendant map. Use the Browse button to navigate to a new .wav audio file using the standard file selection mechanism. This .wav file will be the greeting that is played when callers access this node in the call flow. Press the Save button to complete the conversion.
Convert To Dial By NameSelect this command to convert the mailbox icon into a Dial By Name node. The Dial By Name window seen in Figure 5-38 will be displayed.Figure 5-38 Dial By Name Window In the selection box at the top of the window, select the Dial By Name group that will be used when the caller enters this node of the call flow. If no Dial By Name groups have been configured, then the selection box will be empty and a Dial By Name group will have to be configured before the conversion can take place. End user subscribers cannot configure Dial By Name groups using Web Portal. Please contact LightBurst Broadband Customer Service for help configuring the Dial By Name groups. Use the Browse button to navigate to a .wav audio file using the standard file selection mechanism. This .wav file will be the greeting that is played when callers access this node in the call flow. Press the Save button to complete the conversion.
 (Remove)This command will delete the selected mailbox node from the Automated Attendant call flow.

Greeting Popup Menu

Hovering the mouse pointer over a greeting icon will display a multi-tiered popup menu. Figure 5-39 shows the commands in the greeting popup menu that are used to add child nodes below the greeting. Figure 5-40 shows the commands in the greeting popup menu that are used to change the settings of the selected greeting node. Figure 5-41 shows the Expand and Collapse commands in the popup menu.

Descriptions of each command in the greeting popup menus are given below:

(Add) MailboxSelect this command to add a mailbox child node beneath this greeting in the Automated Attendant call flow. A Mailbox window will be displayed, similar to Figure 5-42 below.Figure 5-42 Mailbox Window Enter the one to four digit number that will be dialed to reach this mailbox node. Any number that is not currently being used to connect the new node’s parent greeting to another child node will be available. Select the mailbox number that will be accessed when this node is dialed in the call flow. Any Voice Mail Service mailbox that is defined as a Dial By Name contact for this Web Portal user’s mailbox will be available to be selected. End user subscribers cannot define Dial By Name contacts using Web Portal. Please contact LightBurst Broadband Customer Service for help configuring the Dial By Name groups. Press the Save button to finish adding the new mailbox node.
(Add) GreetingSelect this command to add a greeting child node beneath this greeting in the Automated Attendant call flow. A Play Greeting window will be displayed, similar to Figure 5-43 below.Figure 5-43 Play Greeting Window In the box in the upper left-hand corner of the window, enter the one to four digit number that will be dialed to reach this greeting node in the call flow. This number can be any number that is not currently being used to connect the parent greeting node to another child node. Enter a description of this greeting node in the text box at the top of the window. The description will be used as a label to identify the greeting node in the Automated Attendant map. Use the Browse button to navigate to a .wav audio file using the standard file selection mechanism. This .wav file will be the greeting that is played when callers access this node in the call flow. Press the Save button to finish adding the new greeting node.
(Add) Called NumberSelect this command to add a phone number child node beneath this greeting in the Automated Attendant call flow. A Called Number window will be displayed, similar to Figure 5-44 below.Figure 5-44 Called Number Window Enter the one to four digit number that will be dialed to reach this phone number node. Any number that is not currently being used to connect the new node’s parent greeting to another child node will be available. Enter a description of this phone number node. The description will be used as a label to identify the phone number node in the Automated Attendant map. Enter the phone number that will be called when the connection digit is dialed. Press the Save button to finish adding the new phone number node.
 (Add) Dial By NameSelect this command to add a Dial By Name child node beneath this greeting in the Automated Attendant call flow. A Dial By Name window will be displayed, similar to Figure 5-45 below.Figure 5-45 Dial By Name Window In the box in the upper left-hand corner of the window, enter the one to four digit number that will be dialed to reach this Dial By Name node in the call flow. This number can be any number that is not currently being used to connect the parent greeting node to another child node. In the selection box at the center of the top of the window, select the Dial By Name group that will be used when the caller enters this node of the call flow. If no Dial By Name groups have been configured, then the selection box will be empty and a Dial By Name group will have to be configured before the conversion can take place. End user subscribers cannot configure Dial By Name groups using Web Portal. Please contact LightBurst Broadband Customer Service for help configuring the Dial By Name groups. Use the Browse button to navigate to a .wav audio file using the standard file selection mechanism. This .wav file will be the greeting that is played when callers access this node in the call flow. Press the Save button to complete the new Dial By Name node.
 (Edit) GreetingUse this command to change the greeting’s description or the greeting audio file that is played when callers access this node in the Automated Attendant call flow. An Edit Greeting window populated with the current settings of the selected node will be displayed (see Figure 5-46 ).Figure 5-46 Edit Greeting Window Enter a short description of this greeting into the text box at the top of the window. This description will be used to identify this greeting in the Automated Attendant map. Use the Browse button to navigate to a .wav audio file using the standard file selection mechanism. This .wav file will be the greeting that is played when callers access this node in the call flow. Press the Save button to complete the update.
 (Edit) Convert to Dial By NameSelect this command to convert the greeting node into a Dial By Name node. A Dial By Name window similar to Figure 5-47 will be displayed.Note: Dial By Name nodes cannot have child nodes beneath them in the call flow, consequently this command will result in an error if the greeting node currently has one or more child nodes.Figure 5-47 Dial By Name Window In the selection box at the top of the window, select the Dial By Name group that will be used when the caller enters this node of the call flow. If no Dial By Name groups have been configured, then the selection box will be empty and a Dial By Name group will have to be configured before the conversion can take place. End user subscribers cannot configure Dial By Name groups using Web Portal. Please contact LightBurst Broadband Customer Service for help configuring the Dial By Name groups. Use the Browse button to navigate to a .wav audio file using the standard file selection mechanism. This .wav file will be the greeting that is played when callers access this node in the call flow. Press the Save button to complete the conversion.
 (Edit) Actions Selecting this command will display the Edit Actions window. The Edit Actions window contains various interfaces that are used to configure the actions to be performed for specific schedules, days, and callers. These interfaces and their associated functions were described in the above sections.
 (Edit) Connect to NodeSelect this command to display the Connect to Existing Node window, which is used to create a link to a previously defined mailbox, greeting, or Dial By Name node in the Automated Attendant map.Figure 5-48 Connect to Existing Node Window Enter the one to four digit number to be dialed and the node to which the connection will be made, and then press the Save button.
  (Remove) This command will delete the selected greeting node and all of the child nodes beneath it from the Automated Attendant call flow.
 Expand Select this command to display any child nodes in the call flow below the selected greeting.
 Collapse Select this command to hide any child nodes in the call flow below the selected greeting.
  (Play)Select this command to display the Play Greeting window (see Figure 5-49 ), which can be used to play the .wav audio greeting file associated with this node in your default .wav audio player.Figure 5-49 Play Greeting Window

Dial By Name Popup Menu

Hovering the mouse pointer over a Dial By Name icon will display the popup menu seen in Figure 5-50.

Descriptions of each command in the menu are given below:

(Edit) Dial By NameUse this command to change the Dial By Name group or greeting file associated with the selected Dial By Name node in the Automated Attendant call flow. A Dial By Name window with the current Dial By Name group selected will be displayed.  Figure 5-51 Dial By Name Window In the selection box at the top of the window, select the Dial By Name group that will be used when the caller enters this node of the call flow. Dial By Name configuration interfaces can be accessed by a LightBurst Broadband customer service representative. End user subscribers cannot configure Dial By Name groups using Web Portal. Use the Browse button to navigate to a .wav audio file using the standard file selection mechanism. This .wav file will be the greeting that is played when callers access this node in the call flow. Press the Save button to save any changes.
(Edit) Convert To GreetingSelect this command to convert the Dial By Name node into a greeting node. The Convert To Greeting window seen in Figure 5-52 will be displayed.  Figure 5-52 Convert To Greeting Window Enter a short description of this greeting into the field at the top of the window. This description will be used to identify this greeting in the Automated Attendant map. Use the Browse button to navigate to a new .wav audio file using the standard file selection mechanism. This .wav file will be the greeting that is played when callers access this node in the call flow. Press the Save button to complete the conversion.
 (Remove)This command will delete the selected mailbox node from the Automated Attendant call flow.
 (Play)Select this command to display the Play Greeting window (see Figure 5-49 ), which can be used to play the .wav audio greeting file associated with this node in your default .wav audio player.  Figure 5-53 Play Greeting Window

Called Number Popup Menu

Hovering the mouse pointer over a called number icon will display the popup menu seen in Figure 5-54 .

Descriptions of each command in the menu are given below:

 (Edit)Use this command to edit the settings of the selected called number node. An Edit Called Number window similar to Figure 5-55 will be displayed.  Figure 5-55 Edit Called Number Window The only called number setting that can be altered is the description that is used as a label to help identify the called number node in the Automated Attendant map. Press the Save button after changing the description to save the new description.
 (Remove)This command will delete the selected mailbox node from the Automated Attendant call flow.

Connection Line Popup Menu

Hovering the mouse pointer over the dial digit label of a connection line between two nodes in the Automated Attendant map will display the popup menu seen in Figure 5-56 .

Descriptions of each command in the menu are given below:

 (Edit)Use this command to edit the number dialed to reach the child node in this connection. An Edit Called Number window similar to Figure 5-57 will be displayed.  Figure 5-57 Edit Connection Window This number can be changed to any number that is not currently being used to connect the parent node to another child node in the call flow. Press the Save button after changing the connection digit to apply the change.
 (Remove)This command will delete the selected mailbox node from the Automated Attendant call flow.

Automated Attendant Actions

The Edit Actions window (see Figure 5-58 ) is used by greeting nodes in the Web Portal Automated Attendant feature to manage the actions that will be performed for specific schedules, days, and callers. The Edit Actions window can be accessed by hovering the mouse pointer over a greeting node in the Automated Attendant map and selecting the Actions command, as described above.

In the upper right-hand corner of the Edit Actions window there are three labels: Schedule, Events, and Specific Callers. Clicking on each of these labels will display different action settings. The label that is currently selected will be shown in bold letters. The Schedule label is selected by default.

Once all of the actions have been configured, press the Save button in the lower right-hand corner of the Edit Actions window to apply the changes.

Schedule Actions

The Schedule section (see Figure 5-58 ) of the Edit Actions window is used to define actions to be performed at specific times during the week. This section displays a weekly calendar that allows currently scheduled actions to be easily managed.

Figure 5-58 Schedule Section

Web Portal Auto Attendant

To add a scheduled action, enter a short description of the action into the Description field, select the Day of the week on which the action should be performed, specify the Start Time and End Time for the action, and then choose one of the following actions: Greeting, Route To, or Dial By Name. The fields to the right of the Action selection box will change depending on the type of action that is selected.

If Greeting is selected in the Action selection box, then a greeting audio file must also be selected. The Add button next to the greeting selection box is used to navigate to new .wav audio files that can be used as greetings. If a Route To action is selected, then a 10-digit phone number must be entered. If a Dial By Name action is selected, then a Dial By Name Group and a greeting audio file must be selected. Press the Add button once all of the settings have been completed and the new schedule entry will appear in the weekly calendar.

To modify an existing scheduled action, click on the action in the weekly calendar. It will begin flashing and the details of the selected action will be displayed in the fields below the calendar. Change the fields to their new values and press the Save button that is located below the Action field on the left-hand side of the window.

To delete a scheduled action, click on the action in the the weekly calendar. It will begin flashing and the details of the selected action will be displayed in the fields below the calendar. Press the Delete button that is located below the Action field to remove the scheduled action from the weekly calendar.

Event Actions

The Events section (see Figure 5-59 ) of the Edit Actions window is used to define actions to be performed on specific days of the year, such as holidays. This section displays a column heading for each date that has been defined.

Figure 5-59 Events Section

Web Portal Auto Attendant

To add an event action, enter a short description of the action into the Description field, select the Month and Day on which the event will occur, specify the Start Time and End Time for the event, and then choose one of the following actions: Greeting, Route To, or Dial By Name. The fields to the right of the Action selection box will change depending on the type of action that is selected.

If Greeting is selected in the Action selection box, then a greeting audio file must also be selected. The Add button next to the greeting selection box is used to navigate to new .wav audio files that can be used as greetings. If a Route To action is selected, then a 10-digit phone number must be entered. If a Dial By Name action is selected, then a Dial By Name Group and a greeting audio file must be selected. Press the Add button once all of the settings have been completed and the new event entry will appear in the Events section.

To modify an existing event, click on the event’s column in the Events section. It will begin flashing and the details of the selected event will be displayed in the fields at the bottom of the window. Change the fields to their new values and press the Save button that is located below the Action field on the left-hand side of the window.

To delete an event, click on the event’s column in the Events section. It will begin flashing and the details of the selected event will be displayed in the fields at the bottom of the window. Press the Delete button that is located below the Action field to remove the event.

Specific Caller Actions

The Specific Callers section (see Figure 5-60 ) is used to configure actions to be performed when calls from specific phone numbers are received.

Figure 5-60 Specific Callers Section

Web Portal Auto Attendant

To add a specific caller action, enter a 10-digit calling number into the Address field, enter a short description of the caller into the Description field, and then choose one of the following actions: Greeting, Route To, or Dial By Name. The fields to the right of the Action selection box will change depending on the type of action that is selected.

If Greeting is selected in the Action selection box, then a greeting audio file must also be selected. The Add button next to the greeting selection box is used to navigate to new .wav audio files that can be used as greetings. If a Route To action is selected, then a 10-digit phone number must be entered. If a Dial By Name action is selected, then a Dial By Name Group and a greeting audio file must be selected. Press the Add button once all of the settings have been completed and the new specific caller entry will appear in the list.

To modify an existing specific caller entry, click on the entry in the list of specific callers and the details of the selected entry will be displayed in the fields below the list. Change the fields to their new values and press the Save button that is located below the Action field on the left-hand side of the window.

To delete a specific caller entry, click on the entry in the list of specific callers and press the Delete button that is located below the Action field.

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